28 April 2003

Lazy Ferret
You are the Lazy Ferret! You love to sleep and just
mosey around. You aren't too social, and prefer
to lounge in a nice hammock.

Which ferret personality are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

22 April 2003

our easter weekend in eupen ;-)


Easter weekend in eupen

20 April 2003

normal smile
normal smile

What kind of smile are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

17 April 2003

I see the world in Pink
You see the world in bright pink. The world is a
happy, happy place! You love all people and
things!! Life is great! You're just like a
happy child. Spread the cheer.

*this quiz was made by href="http://www.uinmind.com/sara">Sara

What color do you see the world in?
brought to you by Quizilla

16 April 2003

concert of songs:ohia tonight ;-))))

Susanne when she was in bremen visiting Klaus

13 April 2003

the barcode printer: free barcode generator
happy Birthday to me
It's my birthday today ;-) Marc will show up at three P.M and e will visit Mily and Rana.
Later on we will eat at teh chinese Restaurant and than have a drink with Marc and our Nephiew Joclyn.
My Mum and her Boyfriend allready phoned and I will get a letter from her ;-))) And I got a nice Birtdaycard from my Mum in Law.
Alain take me on wednesday to a concert Songs:ohia
We listen to that an awful lot ;-)
And on easter we are looking foward to visit the city of Eupen.

10 April 2003

I'm a Gin & Tonic, discover your ALcoHoLiC personality!
bad testresult...thats absulutly not me at all...
Hidden Place
Your song that resembles you is "Hidden
Place" Congradulations.

Which Bjork song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

08 April 2003

07 April 2003

04/02 Hamburg, Germany - Thalie Theater
04/03 Magdeburg, Germany - Mikrokosmos
04/04 Berlin, Germany - Magnet
04/05 Munich, Germany - Pathos
04/06 Milan, Italy - Bloom
04/08 Rome, Italy - Big Mama
04/09 Perugia, Italy - Auditorium Santa Cecilia
04/10 Catania, Italy - Mercati Generali
04/11 Rimini, Italy - Velvet
04/12 Geneva, Switzerland - l'Usine
04/13 Paris, France - Mains Oeuvres
04/14 Colmar, France - L'Appart
04/15 AM: Hasselt, Belgium - JJ Records
04/15 PM: Hasselt, Belgium - MOD
04/16 Brussels, Belgium - AB
04/17 Diksmuide, Belgium - 4ad
04/18 Tilburg, Holland - 013
04/19 Leiden, Holland - X
04/20 Utrecht, Holland - Ekko

06 April 2003

I find this poem and found it intresting enough

Forever Darkness

Eyes tightly shut
Trying to block the pain
Trying to escape the demons that pelage thee
Tears slide down thy fragile face
Running away
The demons chase thee, gnashing teeth at thy soul
Now drifting through the plains
Forever drifting forever alone in the darkness
© Niki 'Polar Bear' VanderHeyden. All rights reserved!

05 April 2003



You're "A Dead Song." Odds are, you're
bipolar and very confusing. You make those
around you either flee in terror or giggle with
perverse delight. "Hit it! And make it a
dead one..."

Which Nick Cave Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

04 April 2003

Good design


is a
Burger-Eating Disco Monkey

...with a Battle Rating of 4.8

To see if your Food-Eating Battle Monkey can
defeat sandra, enter your name:

02 April 2003

My Name is Alexandra, even thought everybody calls me Sandra as it is shorter.